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Cordinate Don't Match

Examples of Groups With Three or Four Cordnating Colors  

With Neutrals












Examples Of a Single Color With All Neutrals













Look at Your Home Decor


Take inspiration from  the colors around your home. You will be displaying these pictures in your home and you want it to go  with the color scheme.



Accessories don't just add to your outfit they can add to the pictures as well. Having hats to hide  behind, Necklaces for kids to play with, or a Man's Tie to grab  can add to the playfulness in  photos . It can be the difference between always posed photos to  candid moments that capture who you are as a person, couple or family.



































Image from-

(They have Gorgeous Jewlery if you are in need of accesories!)

Limit Patterns

In photographs patterns naturally pull attention. If you have to many patterns it can take away from the image and steal focus  from the main subject, YOU!


Plan Ahead!

As soon as you book your session you should start planning what you are going to wear. You may  think  clothes will fit your kids or that one dress is clean. If you wait till the day before you may  run into an issue of clothes not fitting, being dirty  or needing to be dry cleaned.


Say No To Characters

Your little one may love  that Olaf or Elsa T-shirt , however just like patterns characters can take away from the over all look to your photos.


Avoid  Mixing Darks  & Lights

If You are  wearing a white top and  black bottoms, the white  top will  draw more light  than the bottoms. It can make your  body look unproportionate.  When filling in your color scheme with neutrals  stick with lighter colors or darker colors not a mix.


Textures Are Your Friend

Adding  scarves  or belts to  a Plain shirt can add textures and accentuate your figure. It will also add  a little more to your look and can  make the over all photo more alluring.


Think Classic

These photos will be hanging in your home for years to come. Sticking with more classic clothing will help give your photos a timeless feel.


Cover Up

If you are wearing a tank top it will pull attention to your arms. Even if you are not self-conscious you may still not like a photo solely because of how much your arms  are standing out.   Too much skin can  draw attention away from your face and  can also make features look bigger than they really are.


When considering an outfit for your session, keep in mind that you want to look your best. 

Try to choose a shirt that at least goes to your elbows, or bring a blazer, jacket or cardigan to go over something with shorter sleeves.

Also try to avoid wearing really short dresses or skirts, it is the same idea where the skin pulls to much attention. You want people to look at your face first, not your arms or legs.


Please  remember these are just tips that I have learned to help better your photos, not a requirement!

We want you to have fun and be happy with the out come, so wear what you feel confident in!





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